Welcome the Winter Olympics, Learn Chinese language
In order to welcome the Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, ChinesePlus will launch an online learning platform called "Welcome the Winter Olympics, Learn Chinese language" from January 23 to March 13.
Please click "Read more" checking the details of the course.
Chinese language lovers from all over the world can interact with professional teachers on the ChinesePlus platform. 30 minutes every day to experience the passion of the Winter Olympics and improve your Chinese proficiency!
The content of the live course is mainly selected from 100 Chinese Sentences for the Winter Olympics, the language service manual for the Winter Olympics, which was compiled and published by People's Education Press with the guidance of Center for Language Education and Cooperation. We will choose one topic of "Winter Olympics + Real life scenes" for the live class every day. There are 25 topics in the whole course, covering explanations of 150 Chinese sentences that can be used at any time. By learning the live course, you will not only experience the grand event of the Winter Olympics, but also learn more about the traditional Chinese culture.